Saturday, 3 October 2009

Research and Preparation

Obviously before we started the actual production of our music video we researched other music videos, both general and from the band we have chosen to produce a video for (Jimmy Eat World), what follows is some of the videos that we watched and how they shaped our own video idea:


This video is similar to the video we will be making, it has an element of performance and an element of narrative. The narrative follows the band through a day as they travel through Hong Kong. The performance uses quite bright colors and the narrative uses a more subdued color palate. The narrative doesn't really lead anywhere though but because it is a music video and it is very short it does not become boring to the audience, it has a very fresh style and is very modern compared to some videos. The clothes the band wear are quite formal and they look quite out of place, however this works within the context of the video.


This video also has narrative and performance included, once again the colour palette changes between the two. Whilst the footage is performance the colours are much more vibrant and they become much more subdued in the narrative footage probably to emphasize the emotional nature of the story. The fact that these two videos both have performance and narrative shows how popular this video set-up actually is and also led us onto this set-up for our video.

The next videos are two from "Jimmy Eat World" the first is from their latest album and the second is one of their older videos and songs:

These two videos are obviously very different, the first has no discernible narrative at all and focuses almost completely on the bands performance, whereas there is an obvious narrative in the second and whats more is the performance footage of the band is anchored within the setting of the story. The colour palettes in both these videos have also been tampered with, the first has an incredibly light palette with high lighting and fairly open backgrounds, but the second includes quite dark colours and has a much more confined setting. The fact that both of these videos and the majority of their other videos include footage of the band performing obviously made us develop our own idea into incorporating this to be inter-cut with the chosen narrative for the song (Let It Happen) changing our idea into the finalised and storyboarded plan.

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